Once Upon a Time



Cosmic Kitten started in Downey, CA as a solo acoustic act by me (Karen). It was my dream for many years to front a band, but if I didn't find the musicians to collaborate with me, I would still try on my own with my acoustic guitar I had saved up for and bought myself. Playing served as an outlet for me and my many hidden demons of my past life dealing with the twists and turns of being placed in foster care. With the help of a few friends who motivated me nonstop to continue to play, I finally found Zach. Zach almost immediately became interested in composing music with me, after I had built up the guts to show him a song I had just written, "Reason or a Sign." All the shyness and my insecurities were brushed off when he continued to compliment me and all the songs I have written and that he wanted to provide his own input on these life stories and songs about injustices. We then created a team, a team of two. A drummer and a guitarist. That's all you really need! After much enthusiasm and inspiration from the local scene, fans, and friends, we finally obtained the opportunity to share our music away from our little Los Angeles/Orange County bubble. With the release of our 3rd album, we are going to venture up the west coast and come back down for the first time ever! This is where you come in. please be a part of our story by donating to get us home safe or if you are unable to at the moment please check out the gofundme page and leave us a comment/share our cause with your friends. This trip out into the world could open so many doors for us both creatively and professionally. Please help us spread our music. We love you all! Talk to you soon with some album updates!

Zachary Huckabee